Content Strategy

IDEO Design Blog

Content Strategy Lead, Editor-in-Chief


Editorial Strategy, UX Strategy, UX Writing, Copywriting & Editing, Production, Content Management (Craft CMS), Project Management, Social & Email Marketing

Design, Engineering, Brand, Product, Business Development, C-Suite

About the Project

IDEO is a global design consultancy known for the practice of human-centered design. A well-regarded name in the design world, IDEO capitalized on that position by launching a design blog that served as both an inspiration hub for the design community and a place for prospective clients to gain a better understanding of human-centered design.

At launch, I stepped in as managing editor to guide stories through the pipeline from pitch to publish. Over the course of my six years at IDEO, I graduated to editor-in-chief, defining the blog’s content strategy and leading a team of writers, editors, and designers to publish high-quality content at a twice-weekly cadence. During my tenure as editor-in-chief, I led the team to win the 2019 Webby Award for Best Business Blog and grew our audience from zero to more than 125,000 readers per month.

I also spearheaded a redesign of the blog’s landing page and story pages, built a robust analytics practice to improve performance, and helped dozens of designers, many of whom were not writers, shape and tell their stories.

Landing page redesign

In 2018 I led a project to redesign the blog landing page, evolving it from a lackluster landing page to a true editorial hub. I also wrote all-new UX copy and created a new content taxonomy to make it easier for readers to explore our library.

UX strategy & writing

As part of the redesign, I wrote all-new UX copy and created a new content taxonomy to make it easier for readers to explore our library.

Brand microcopy

I wrote all new UX microcopy in line with the blog’s friendly, conversational brand voice. From forms and email captures to policy notifications, my goal was to bring a bit of humanity even to required text.

Content navigation & taxonomy

The redesigned landing page featured a new subnav where I organized our library of hundreds of stories into five content themes informed by user research and site performance data.

Read some of the stories I wrote while managing the blog. Note that the site design has changed dramatically since I left IDEO in 2021.

Blog writing